General Practitioners
Watch 100's of Australia's best medical conferences from the comfort of home

All the conference topics you want. And more...
Paediatrics, Women's Health, Emergency Medicine, Mental Health, Diabetes, Cardiology, O&G, Finance For Medical Professionals, Sleep, Asthma, COPD, Skin, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Urology, Chronic Disease, Musculoskeletal Medicine, Chronic Pain, Bone & Mineral, Integrative Medicine, Burns, Lifestyle Medicine, Obesity, Medical Coaching, Trauma, Nutrition and much, much more...
New conferences are filmed and added all the time - so you will always be up to date.
See the latest complete list here.
Conferences that you control
Speed up, slow down, pause, rewind, or skip to the end of lectures.
Never miss an important moment.
Never spend more time than you need.

You will watch more conferences this year than many GPs do in their lifetime!

Learn in half the time
All 7,500+ lectures on the ArmchairMedical website and apps are fitted with our 'time saver' button and can be played in half the time of watching the same lecture during a live webinar or conference.
A one hour lecture in real life is only 30 minutes on
Turn your car into a conference venue on wheels and your home gym into Australia's most comprehensive learning facility.
Watch or listen to your favourite conference in bite sized pieces while you exercise or commute to work.
You will watch more conferences this year than most GPs watch in their lifetime!
- Special Introductory Offer -
Turn your home gym into Australia's most comprehensive learning facility.
To help you 'learn on the go' you can choose to receive a Spin bike with a handy laptop viewing platform when you first join!
[Limited offer, paid subscribers only, one per subscriber, not available with any other offer]

GPs like you are busy and already recognize the value of physical activity.
If you don't already have a spin bike, your new X2 Pro Spin Bike for active learning, is whisper quiet, so your won't disturb your family and comes with a unique laptop holder that will allow you to use a laptop, tablet or phone to watch 100's of conferences over your career.
Your new 'home gym' will become your favourite conference venue!
You will watch more conferences this year than many GPs watch in a lifetime!
(for less than the price of attending a single conference in person)
Active Learning
$1,990/12 months (renews at $1,488)
12 months + a spin bike for the price of attending just one conference in person
Reward your curiosity [Click here to start]12 Month ArmchairMedical
$1,488/12 months
Save thousands on attending multiple conferences per year
12 Months subscription for the price of a single conference [Click here to start]12 Month ArmchairMedical
12 months membership paid in monthly installments
Easy and convenient payment plan [Click here to Start]