Updates in skin cancer diagnosis and management
GP Education evening and recordings
Early detection: Essential knowledge for GPs - Dr Annika Smith (Dermatologist)
Surgical management of melanoma - A/Prof Alex van Akkooi (Surgeon)
Surgical management of non-melanoma skin cancer - A/Prof Sydney Ch’ng (Surgeon)
New developments in systemic treatment for early melanoma - Prof Georgina Long AO (Medical Oncologist)
The evening will conclude with a multidisciplinary case study panel discussion and Q&A.
6.30 pm - 8.30 pm Thursday 28 April 2022
Zoom webinar [Recordings available to all registrants]
RACGP / ACRRM Activity 2 points / 1 PDP per hour
Free Registration: Online Webinar & Recordings
Register now - webinar & recordingsFree Registration: Attend in person at Wollstonecraft
Register now - in personLearning Objectives:
Identify high-risk melanoma patients and differentiate suspicious lesions using dermoscopy.
Recognise typical presentations of non-melanoma skin cancers and identify when adverse features indicate the need for specialist referral.
Discuss the importance of sentinel node biopsy as a prognostic tool to help risk stratify melanoma patients for adjuvant therapy and identify when a patient should be considered for this procedure.
Explain how adjuvant systemic drug therapy plays a role in the management of early melanoma and identify associated side effects.
Register for this free 2 hour webinar
RACGP 4 CPD points ACRRM 2 PDP hours
** This webinar will be recorded. You will be sent the recording if you can not attend live.