
Get online and on demand access to Australia's best conferences

Save your travel time, increase your exposure to the latest thinking,

cherry-pick exactly what you need to learn.

Join Now and Get Free Access to Every Conference On has spent the last decade developing a revolutionary platform for General Practitioners that allows you to watch your favourite conference from the comfort of home.

You can now:

  • Stay home.
  • Keep up to date with Australia's best conferences.
  • Learn more AND have more time for everything else.

The system consists of three supportive pillars designed to help your learn more and live more...(no matter where you practice)

See what you will get [Click Here]

Pillar 1 Choice.

More choice over the conferences you watch

It's hard to attend every event you want. allows you to cherry-pick from the best of the best.

Quickly and easily choose exactly what you need from over 6,500 lectures and 200 conferences, featuring some of the world's leading educators.

Binge watch entire conferences or snack on individual lectures.

See what is available to watch right now [click here]

Pillar 2 Control.

When, where and how quickly your learn is within your control

The system allows you to schedule your learning around what matters to you.

On demand access means you start and finish when you decide, leaving you time to do the important things in your life.

Download entire conferences to your phone and watch them later without an internet connection!

Learn where you want with the "Netflix" style apps.

Easily find what you want and enjoy it wherever you are.

Listen to conferences like Podcasts in the car or while you are out and about.

Save your favourite conference on your phone and then watch it later without an internet connection.


Watch conferences in half the time

Unlike time dependent Zoom Webinars or live events, with you choose when and where you watch and at what playback speed!

The 'timesaver' button we've installed on every video, allows you to watch lectures in half the time of equivalent 'in person' lectures or live webinars.

You will Learn More in less time.

Which leads to Pillar 3...

See what you will get [Click Here]

Can you imagine regularly sitting behind a desk and watching a new conference each week?

Neither can we!!


Which brings us to the Linchpin of the system...

Pillar 3 - Supercharge your learning with our free gift

All memberships now include a free spin bike!

We want you to watch as many conferences as possible.

The easiest way is to combine your viewing with something you already do every day.

With your new free exercise bike you can easily combine staying healthy with your conference viewing each morning.


When you join you will receive

a free $700+  spin bike!

We are committed to making this year your best year ever.

No matter where you live in Australia, shortly after joining you will receive our free Learn More Live More Exercise bike.

Imagine slightly adjusting your exercise routine to include some time each week on your new indoor bike. You'll easily watch a lecture or two while while you reach your daily activity goals.

You'll get healthier and schedule time to learn. It's win:win.

You will watch an entire conference every few weeks!!

You'll start to feel amazing.

Your family and friends will notice a difference in you too!

You will also be beginning to learn more than you could imagine.

"The effect of studying during exercise is beneficial compared to the combined effect of studying after or without exercise.
Moderately-intense cycling may also create a beneficial environment for encoding of memories.
This result strengthens the implications for students who desire to multitask by reviewing course materials during a workout."

Zabriskie HA, Heath EM. Effectiveness of Studying When Coupled with Exercise-Induced Arousal. Int J Exerc Sci. 2019 Aug 1;12(5):979-988. PMID: 31523352; PMCID: PMC6719811.

We chose this particular Spin Bike because is comes with a uniquely designed support frame that will hold your laptop! (or tablet/phone), so you can conveniently watch any of your favourite ArmchairMedical conferences while you exercise.

It's also whisper quiet so it won't disturb your family if you choose to exercise before breakfast or after dinner.

Combined with the 'Time saver' button from Pillar 2, it now means you can watch an hour of a conference you love, in just 30 minutes before breakfast.

If you build up to 6 days per week, you will watch an entire day of conference lectures EVERY week.

"As a woman, although I live in a relatively safe area, it offers me the ability to safely exercise if I don't get home til after dark or on very early mornings.

It's not an investment I likely would have made/justified to myself otherwise, so I appreciate the creative marketing/bundling." General Practitioner Member, 

Rural South Australia

30 minutes of exercise per day can also reduce your risk of stroke, CVD and all cause mortality. 

Exercise and Learning are an essential part of the Learning system, and it will change your life!

Join today and we'll send you a free spin bike [Click here]

Rural GP Education Grants

If you practice in a rural or remote area, you may be eligible to have your education funded by grants or bursaries.

Please see the Frequently Asked Questions at the bottom of this page for further details.

What you will get from us when you join

  • 12 months 'all access' on computer and mobile devices.
    • Hundreds of conferences, thousands of lectures - whenever, wherever you want.
  • Every new conference and lecture we add for the life of your membership.
    • You will always be up to date.
  • Apple and Android Apps.
    • You will have more control and flexibility over when and where you learn
    • Download entire conferences to your phone and watch them later without an internet connection.
  • 'Time Saver' control over all 6,500+ videos.
    • Enabling you to be more efficient with your learning.
  • Your free spin bike, which is:
    • Purposely designed to make it easier for you learn more efficiently.
    • Delivered free of charge anywhere in Australia when you first join.
    • Designed so you get healthier the more you learn.
  • Membership renews yearly 
    • You will always have access to the latest conferences, no matter where you live and you can cancel at any time.

1 Year ArmchairMedical Subscription

$1,488 AUD

100's of conferences from the comfort of home for less than the price of attending one in person Learn More Live More Membership Includes: 12 month subscription (hundreds of conferences plus all new conferences for the life of your membership)

Free Spin Bike delivered anywhere in Australia when you first join (Value RRP $799 AUD + we pay for shipping) renews yearly, so you will always be up to date, but if it hasn't improved your life by the end of your first year, you can of course CANCEL ANYTIME and still keep your bike and stay healthy.

Go to Check out page [Click here]

How the free Spin Exercise Bike will change your life ...

"Accumulating research demonstrates that acute exercise can enhance long-term episodic memory. "

"When exercising, molecular responses (e.g., upregulation of neurotransmitters)
that aid in memory function are increased, and thus, increase the likelihood of observing improvements in memory. Our results suggest that a 20-min bout of exercise, followed by a rest period of up to 15 min, may be sufficient to enhance long term memory performance."

Loprinzi, P.D., Roig, M., Tomporowski, P.D. et al. Effects of acute exercise on memory: Considerations of exercise intensity, post-exercise recovery period and aerobic endurance. Mem Cogn 51, 1011–1026 (2023). 

"The results of the study are clear-cut: learning a foreign vocabulary while performing a concurrent
physical activity yields better performance than learning the same vocabulary while being
in a static situation."

"Physical activity is supposed on the one hand to favor synaptic plasticity and on the other hand to increase the availability of specific neurotrophic substances in the brain, such as BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor) that facilitate learning."

Liu F, Sulpizio S, Kornpetpanee S, Job R
(2017) It takes biking to learn: Physical activity improves learning a second language. PLoS ONE 2(5): e0177624.

"The effect of studying during exercise is beneficial compared to the combined effect of studying after or without exercise. 

Moderately-intense cycling may also create a beneficial environment for encoding of memories."

"This result strengthens the implications for students who desire to multitask by reviewing course materials during a workout."

Zabriskie HA, Heath EM. Effectiveness of Studying When Coupled with Exercise-Induced Arousal. Int J Exerc Sci. 2019 Aug 1;12(5):979-988. 

Improve your brain health

"Acute physical activity has been repeatedly shown to improve various cognitive functions."

"We found that light- to moderate-intensity physical activity during encoding improved vocabulary learning in young, healthy women."

Schmidt-Kassow M, Deusser M, Thiel C, Otterbein S, Montag C, Reuter M, Banzer W, Kaiser J. Physical exercise during encoding improves vocabulary learning in young female adults: a neuroendocrinological study. PLoS One. 2013 May 20;8(5):e64172.

"Exercise can make you smarter, happier and have more neurons depending on the dose (intensity) of the training program."

"Adult neurogenesis might be a physical substrate for hormetic responses to exercise on cognition and mood, and that the growth factors (IGF1 and BDNF among the main key factors) mediating actions of exercise on AHN, may be potential candidates to mediate this response curve, together with ROS."

Gradari S, Pallé A, McGreevy KR, Fontán-Lozano Á and Trejo JL (2016)
Can Exercise Make You Smarter, Happier, and Have More Neurons? A Hormetic Perspective. Front. Neurosci. 10:93.

Improve your exercise tolerance

Watching videos while you exercise can help you exercise longer

[Even if you HATE exercising]

"The use of either self-selected music or video distraction during exercise resulted in a similarly more pleasant exercise experience while still allowing for the exercise to be done at an intensity that would support fitness and health benefits. The use of distraction stimuli may assist an individual in overcoming feelings of discomfort and unpleasantness commonly elicited by exercise and frequently offered as reasons for discontinuation of exercise. The results of this investigation suggest that the addition of music or video distraction during exercise may allow an individual to focus their attention on the distraction rather than on unpleasant or uncomfortable feelings related to their exercise. This may lead to a more pleasant exercise experience and potentially impact future exercise adherence.

Using distraction during exercise might be an effective behavior modification technique for facilitating ongoing exercise participation."

Miller PC, Hall EE, Bailey EK. The Influence of Various Distraction Stimuli on Affective Responses during Recumbent Cycle Ergometry. Sports (Basel). 2016 Mar 23;4(2):21.

Live a longer, healthier life

"Compared with inactive individuals, adults accumulating 150 min/week [22 min/day] of non-occupational moderate-to-vigorous aerobic physical activity had 31% and 29% lower risk of all-cause and CVD mortality, respectively, whereas the risk difference for total cancer mortality was 15%."

Garcia L, Pearce M, Abbas A, et al Non-occupational physical activity and risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and mortality outcomes: a dose–response meta-analysis of large prospective studies British Journal of Sports Medicine 2023;57:979-989.

"The data reviewed here indicate that physical activity may have a positive effect of brain function throughout the lifespan, providing a non-pharmacological approach to reduce age-related cognitive decline in older adults."

"In fact, higher levels of physical exercise are correlated with decreased risk for intellectual impairment and neurodegenerative disease, highlighting the importance of developing social programs aimed at promoting physical activity across the lifespan, in order to reverse the growing obesity andcardiovascular disease trends as well as the neural degeneration and cognitive decline."

Saraulli D, Costanzi M, Mastrorilli V, Farioli-Vecchioli S. The Long Run: Neuroprotective Effects of Physical Exercise on Adult Neurogenesis from Youth to Old Age. Curr Neuropharmacol. 2017;15(4):519-533.

Help your patients become more active

"Physicians should unequivocally incorporate physical activity into their own daily routine, for their own health benefit, and to become an exercise role model, more confident in prescribing exercise to their patients."

"Physically active physicians and other health care providers are 1.4 to 5.7 times more likely to provide physical activity counselling to their patients."

Green A, Engstrom C, Friis P. Exercise: an essential evidence-based medicine. Med J Aust. 2018 Apr 2;208(6):242-243.

"If CPD systems are explicitly designed to encourage health care providers to engage in healthy lifestyles, it will benefit not only their own wellbeing but also will enhance their patient counselling practices in preventative medicine.

The importance of this cannot be overemphasized as benefits are expected for health care providers, their patients, and health systems."

Babenko O, Ding M, Koppula S. (2019) MedEdPublish 8:21

"Physically active Primary Care Providers (PCP) are more likely to advise their patients to be as active as them. Thus, getting PCPs to be physically active may be a critical component in increasing Physical activity and exercise patient consultations."

Lee AK, Bt Muhamad R, Tan VPS. Physically active primary care physicians consult more on physical activity and exercise for patients: A public teaching-hospital study, Sports Medicine and Health Science, 2023,

Join Now [Click Here]

1 Year ArmchairMedical Subscription

$1,488 AUD

100's of conferences from the comfort of home for less than the price of attending one in person Learn More Live More Membership Includes: 12 month subscription (hundreds of conferences plus all new conferences for the life of your membership)

Free Spin Bike delivered anywhere in Australia when you first join (Value RRP $799 AUD + we pay for shipping) renews yearly, so you will always be up to date, but if it hasn't improved your life by the end of your first year, you can of course CANCEL ANYTIME and still keep your bike and stay healthy.

Go to Check out page [Click here]

Frequently Asked Questions